Saturday, April 25, 2009
Update On My Last CVS Trip...
I went back to CVS last night and had told them that I'd like to return the 4 Loreal eyeliners that I had bought that had costs me $8.49 BOGO = $16.98. I told the cashier that they weren't the price that I thought they were and that there was a sticker above them saying $2.49. The cashier rung them up again on her register and 2of them were now ringing up at around $4.49 each and the other 2 were still at $8.49 BOGO. She was very confused of why they were ringing up differenly than what it said on my reciept. She also didn't know how to go about it with all of the coupons that I had used. I told her that I used $8 worth of Loreal coupons. She asked for the manager to come up to help her out. He explained to her that the $4.49 eyeliners were the induvidual prices of the eyeliners, but when they are BOGO, they will ring up $8.49 BOGO. He had us both very confused and he wasn't much help, and then he told her to refund me whatever. So she gave me back a CVS giftcard with $18.00 on it! I felt quilty though, because after all of the coupons I had used it should have only been around $9.00 that I would have got back, and I reminded her of that, but she said that giving me the $18.00 was the easiet way of doing it. So now I have some CVS spending money for quite awhile.
Monday, April 20, 2009
CVS - 4/19 - $0.15 OOP
I really messed up on my first transaction at CVS. I bought 4 Loreal HIP eyeliners thinking that they were $2.49 BOGO, because that was what the price tag had said directly above them... so I was thinking... wow, awesome deal! Anyway, I get to the register and my total after coupons seemed very high, but I went on to use almost all of my ECBs not really thinking about it again. When I finished my 2nd transaction and left CVS... I looked at my receipt and realized that I had picked up eyeliner that cost $8.49 BOGO! So I was mad at myself that I did not check the price or pay more attention to when the cashier was ringing them up. Now I have to go back to CVS and fix this. I'm not sure how they will do it, but I'm hoping I can get some of my ECBs back.

Transaction #1:
6 Tresemme - $3.33 Each (Buy 3 Tresemme Get $5.00 ECBs)
4 Loreal HIP Eyeliner - $8.49 BOGO
Total = $36.96
6 Tresemme - $1.00 Each
4 Loreal Hip - $2.00 Each
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $18.97 ECBs
Payed $0.01 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs

Transaction #2:
3 Aveeno Body Wash - $6.00 Each (Buy $25.00 Aveeno Get $10.00 ECBs)
1 Aveeno Facial Wash - $7.00
Total = $25.00
1 Aveeno - $2.00
1 Aveeno - $10.00/3
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $8.87 ECBs
Payed $0.14 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs
Transaction #1:
6 Tresemme - $3.33 Each (Buy 3 Tresemme Get $5.00 ECBs)
4 Loreal HIP Eyeliner - $8.49 BOGO
Total = $36.96
6 Tresemme - $1.00 Each
4 Loreal Hip - $2.00 Each
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $18.97 ECBs
Payed $0.01 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs
Transaction #2:
3 Aveeno Body Wash - $6.00 Each (Buy $25.00 Aveeno Get $10.00 ECBs)
1 Aveeno Facial Wash - $7.00
Total = $25.00
1 Aveeno - $2.00
1 Aveeno - $10.00/3
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $8.87 ECBs
Payed $0.14 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs
CVS - 4/18 - $1.75 OOP
Kmart - 4/19 - $6.26 OOP
Be on the lookout for the Kmart Spring Coupon Booklet with $75 of savings in it. They were all over the store, so I grabbed a few booklets. They have some really nice coupons in them. Anyway, I think I did pretty well this time around... better than I thought I would do. I'm hoping to go back Friday for more. Here is what I got last night...
12 Suave Shampoo - $1.25 Each
Total: $15.00
Coupons: 4/$1.75/3
Doubled To: $3.50/3 Each
New Total: $1.00 For 12
4 Vaseline Lotion - $2.50 Each
Total: $10.00
Coupons: 4/$1.25
Doubled To: $2.50 Each
New Total: Free
4 Ponds Wipes - $2.75
Total: $11.00
Coupons: 4/$1.25
Doubled To: $2.50 Each
New Total: $1.00 For 4
4 Listerine Total Care - $4.29
Total: $17.16
Coupons: 4/$2.00
Doubled To: $4.00 Each
New Total: $1.16 For 4
2 Huggies Wipes - $2.50
Total: $5.00
Coupons: 2/$1.00
Doubled To: $2.00 Each
New Total: $1.00 For 2
1 Old Spice Deoderant - $2.19
Total: $2.19
Coupons: 1/$2.00
Doubled To: $2.19
New Total: Free
1 Mug Root Beer 12pk - $4.79
Total: $4.79
Coupons: 1/$2.00
Doubled To: $4.00
New Total: $0.79
4 Oust Spray - $3.00
Total: $12.00
Coupons: 4/$2.00
Doubled To: $4.00 Each
New Total: Free
2 Quaker Rice Cakes - $1.99
Total: $3.98
Coupons: 2/$1.00
Doubled To: $0.99 Each
New Total: Free
Used $5.00/$50.00 Purchase
Total Before Coupons: $85.45(That's what I think I saw on the register)
Total After Coupons: $6.26
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saving Cents With Sense - Is giving away a $10 CVS card. This contest ends March 27th.
Simple - Is giving away a LeapFrog Tag reader, 5 Tag books, and 1 expanded memory Tag reader, plus 10 Tag books for their local library. Giveaway ends March 31st.
The Giveaway - Is giving away a 4pc baby bedding set from Nava's Designs. Choose 1 out of 4 gorgeous sets! This contest ends March 28th.
Simple - Is giving away a LeapFrog Tag reader, 5 Tag books, and 1 expanded memory Tag reader, plus 10 Tag books for their local library. Giveaway ends March 31st.
The Giveaway - Is giving away a 4pc baby bedding set from Nava's Designs. Choose 1 out of 4 gorgeous sets! This contest ends March 28th.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
3/15 - Wegmans - Saved $122.78
Total Before Coupons: $237.56
Total After Coupons: $114.78
Total Saved: $122.78
There is so much food, that I couldn't get it all in the picture. There is a lot hidden under and behind things. Anyway, I was excited to find out that Wegmans honors the 6 triple $0.99 and 4 double $1.00 coupons that Giant Food PA runs in their ad every few weeks. This week Giant Food happens to have 6 triple $0.99 coupons in their ad, so that helped me save a little extra at Wegmans. I'll definately remember that for next time.
CVS - 3/15 - $1.00 OOP
4 Hershey Kisses - $1.88 Each (Spend $10.00 on Hershey's Candy Get $5.00 ECBs)
4 Reese's Peanut Butter Mini Eggs - $2.00 Each
2 Ritz Crackers - $1.00 Each
1 Colgate Toothpaste - $2.99 (Get $2.99 ECBs)
1 Irish Spring Body Wash - $4.99 (Get $4.99 ECBs)
1 Dri Idea Deodorant - $2.99 (Get $2.00 ECBs)
1 Winterfresh Gum - $1.19
Total = $29.68
4 Hershey's Candy - $2.00/2 Each
1 Ritz Cracker/Wheat Thins - $2.00/2
1 Colgate Toothpaste - $1.00
1 Dri Idea Deodorant - $2.00
1 Wrigleys Gum - Free - $1.19
1 Irish Spring Body Wash - $0.50
Used $13.99 ECBs
Payed $1.00 Out Of Pocket
$14.98 Earned ECBs
Monday, March 09, 2009
Huggies Coupons Reset!
The coupons have been reset so you have another chance at printing more $3.00 and $5.00 Huggies coupons... remember to hit the refresh or back button to print them twice. Go to to get them now.
CVS - 3/8 - $1.34 OOP
3 Boxes of Lucky Charms - 3/$10.00 (Get $5.00 ECBs)
2 Garnier Nutrisse Hair Dye - 2/$10.00 (Get $5.00 ECBs)
1 Physicians Formula Compact - $13.99 (Get $10.00 ECBs)
1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste - $2.99 (Get $2.00 ECBs)
1 Renuzit TriScents - $4.99
Total = $41.97
3 Lucky Charms - $0.55 Each
1 General Mills - $1.00/2
1 Renuzit TriScents - $4.00
1 Physicians Formula - $3.00
1 Crest - $1.00
2 Garnier Hair Dye - $2.00 Each
Used $25.98 ECBs
Payed $1.34 Out Of Pocket
$22.00 Earned ECBs
Friday, March 06, 2009
Very Cheap Gevalia Coffee
Go to to get 3 boxes of coffee in a variety of flavors for only $3.00, that's including shipping. You will also receive a free stainless steel mug. I was able to put an order in for my name and then a second order in my husband's name. It worked out with no problems. I can't wait to try this coffee!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Never2Late2Save - Giving away a $10 Victoria Secret gift card
Two of a Kind Working on a Full House - Giving away See Kai Run children's shoes
A Frugal Friend - Giving away a gift box filled with Suave products
Two of a Kind Working on a Full House - Giving away See Kai Run children's shoes
A Frugal Friend - Giving away a gift box filled with Suave products
Monday, March 02, 2009
Huggies Coupons $5/1 & $3/1!
Go here to print your coupons for $5/1 Huggies Gentle Care product, and $3/1 Huggies Natural Fit product. These are great high value coupons, and you can print each twice! Print your coupons soon because I don't look for these to be on the website for long.
CVS - 3/1 - Register Wouldn't Accept Coupons!
I was excited about all of the great deals that I had in my cart at CVS yesterday. I had my coupons ready to go and I thought that I was going to pay only a few cents out of my pocket for everything in my cart, and gain a ton of ECBs. Boy, was I wrong! There was a problem at the register that the cashier said has never happen to her before. My first two coupons scanned with no problem, then the cashier tried scanning the rest of my coupons, and the register refused to accept them. Apparently the register was telling her that it would not accept anymore coupons, because I had exceeded over $2.00 in coupons??? My cashier was very confused and getting frustrated. So she called a manager up and he told her to void the whole order and redo everything. So I took everything back out of the bags and we tried again. It still was not accepting my coupons! I asked her to scan my ECBs... it took them without a problem. The cashier told me that the only thing she could do is take my CVS coupons ($5/$30 CVS coupon & $2.00 off Playskool wipes) and give me the cash back for those, and she wasn't able to use my manufactured coupons at all. But first I had to pay for my things. My total was $36.48. I had used $28.98 in ECBs and my total came down to $7.50. Then I gave her my $5/$30 CVS coupon, and my total came to $2.50. I payed $2.50 out of pocket and she gave me back $7.00 for the $5/$30 CVS coupon and the $2.00 off Playskool wipes coupon. I was so confused at the time, and I figured she knew what she was doing. She gave me all of my manufactured coupons back to use another time, and she apologized for the confusion and the problem with the register. When I got in the car I had realized that what I had done by using all of my ECBs was the wrong thing to do. If my plan would have gone the right way and the register was accepting my coupons, I would have only used a little under $20.00 in ECBs, and gained back $17.97. But by doing it the way that I did, I had used $28.98 in ECBs and got back $17.97 in ECBs. So I lost $8.98 in ECBs. It bothered me the whole day that I lost those ECBs, and that I had actually bought items without using coupons! I should have just put everything back and went to a different CVS, but I was afraid I wasn't going to find everything that I wanted to purchase at a different store. So my CVS experience was not really a good one yesterday, and I don't know how a register just figures it going to refuse to take coupons suddenly. It was very strange. I do wish that the manager would have spent more than 30 seconds up at the register trying to figure out what the problem was. He wasn't very helpful at all to the cashier. Anyway, I'm not going to post my scenario, because I think I pretty much summed it all up already in this post. LOL!
Kmart - 2/28 - $4.04 OOP
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
CVS - 2/22 - $0.98 OOP
Transaction #1
1 Winterfresh Gum - $0.99
3 Colgate Toothpaste - $0.88 Each
1 Gillette Razor - $7.99 (Get $4.00 ECBs)
1 6 Hour Energy Shot - $4.99 (Get $4.99 ECBs)
1 Maybelline Foundation - $9.49 (Get $5.00 ECBs)
1 Renuzit TriScents - $5.49 Each (Get $2.00 ECBs Each)
Total = $31.59
3 Colgate Toothpaste - $1.00 Each
1 Wrigley's Gum - $0.99 Free Coupon
1 Renuzit TriScents - $4.00
1 Gillette Razor - $4.00
1 CVS Maybelline - $3.00
Used $15.98 ECBs
Payed $0.98 Out Of Pocket
$15.99 ECBs Earned & I recieved my $10.00 ECBs for doing a CVS survey online.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Renuzit TriScents Deal @ CVS
Use the $4/1 Renuzit TriScents coupon from the Smart Source insert in Sunday's paper to get a great moneymaker at CVS this week.
Buy 1 Renuzit TriScents Air Freshener at $5.49
Use $4/1 coupon from 2/22 Smart Source insert
Receive $2 ECBs (monthly ECB deal)
Final Price = FREE plus $.51 overage
The limit is 5!
Buy 1 Renuzit TriScents Air Freshener at $5.49
Use $4/1 coupon from 2/22 Smart Source insert
Receive $2 ECBs (monthly ECB deal)
Final Price = FREE plus $.51 overage
The limit is 5!
Free Food - IHOP, Quiznos, & Kashi
Tomorrow is National Free Pancake Day at IHOP. All IHOP locations will be a offering a free short stack of pancakes to every customer from 7 AM to 10 PM. A small donation to the Children's Miracle Network is requested.
Quiznos is giving away one million subs. Just click on “Get My Free Sub” at to get a printable coupon for a free sub. The coupon is personalized and expires 5 days from sign up. You must present a photo ID to claim your sub.
Go here to request a coupon for a free Kashi frozen entree. The offer states that it is good through March 15, 2009 or while supplies last.
Quiznos is giving away one million subs. Just click on “Get My Free Sub” at to get a printable coupon for a free sub. The coupon is personalized and expires 5 days from sign up. You must present a photo ID to claim your sub.
Go here to request a coupon for a free Kashi frozen entree. The offer states that it is good through March 15, 2009 or while supplies last.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Free OneStep Baby Blanket & Toy

Go here to fill out to get this free gift.
OneStep is pleased to present you with this exclusive free offer. Simply provide us with your shipping info below and we'll be delighted to send you this free baby gift!
Response after filling out request:
Includes 1 Soft Baby Blanket and 1 Cute Baby Toy of your choice.
We have successfully received your request. Please check your e-mail to confirm your participation. So, don't forget to confirm your request.
Free Victoria Secret Energizing Lotion
Print this coupon and run to your nearest Victoria’s Secret to score a FREE 1-oz. PINK Energizing Lotion! No purchase required. Expires 3/2/09.
- Save $1.00 on one Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner when you buy
one Kraft Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or One Velveeta Shells & Cheese
- Save $1.50 on any size Gain detergent and fabric enhancer or save $1.00 on any scent Gain detergent
- Save $1.00 on any one Suave Body Wash or Body Lotion
- $1.00 off one Colgate Total Advanced Whitening toothpaste, Advanced Fresh toothpaste, or Advanced Clean toothpaste
- Save $1.00 on any Stayfree product(excluding trial sizes)
- Request a coupon be mailed to you for $1.50 off your next purchase of Pampers
one Kraft Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or One Velveeta Shells & Cheese
- Save $1.50 on any size Gain detergent and fabric enhancer or save $1.00 on any scent Gain detergent
- Save $1.00 on any one Suave Body Wash or Body Lotion
- $1.00 off one Colgate Total Advanced Whitening toothpaste, Advanced Fresh toothpaste, or Advanced Clean toothpaste
- Save $1.00 on any Stayfree product(excluding trial sizes)
- Request a coupon be mailed to you for $1.50 off your next purchase of Pampers
Kmart Double & Triple Coupon Event

My local Kmart will be participating again in the double coupon deal for any coupon from $0.76 to $2.00. They also will triple any coupons up to $0.75! The triple coupon deal is something new that I haven't seen Kmart do before. This double and triple coupon event runs from February 22nd to the 28th. Remember to note that many Kmarts do not accept internet printables.
To see what the plan is for your local Kmart go here and view their upcoming ad. It'll show up right on the front page if it's participating.
Walgreens 20 Free Prints TODAY ONLY! is offering 20 free 4x6 photo prints today only when you enter coupon code ONEDAY at checkout. Be sure to request to pick these up in-store so that you will also receive free shipping.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Kroger 2/15 - $16.95 OOP
My family and I were visiting my in-laws in West Virginia this past weekend and they happen to have Kroger in their area, so I gathered all of my coupons and my mother-in-law and I made a trip to Kroger. I bought all of these items for $16.95 and I saved $66.74! I am super excited about getting 4 packs of diapers for only $3 a pack and getting 3 packs of toilet paper for free!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Giant PA - 2/6 - $14.73
I got all of this for just $14.73 at Giant PA. My total savings was $62.34! I also made a trip Wegmans the next day and paid $105.40 for a full cart of groceries. My total savings there was $85.66. The cashier forgot to scan my savings card at Wegmans, but I only lost $4.38, so it wasn't a big deal to me.
Friday, February 06, 2009
$1.50 Off YoPlus Yogurt
Save $1.50 on YoPlus yogurt. Refresh the page to print it twice. YoPlus yogurt is usually found on sale for $2.00, so that is some super cheap yogurt and it's really good too!
Pop Tarts Coupon & Fan Club
Join the Pop-Tarts Sprinklings Fan Club here and you'll get what they say is a smattering of samples and a variety of values that'll keep your family happy throughout the year! You can also print out a $0.55 coupon twice while you are visiting the website.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Free McCafe Coffees

McDonalds is offering free medium McCafe coffees at participating restaurants every morning of this month between 5am-9am. No coupon is required. Only one per customer.
Update - McDonalds has yet another great deal! Not only can you get your free coffee in the morning, you can also go on weekday afternoons between 2pm-5pm and get two for one sodas, McCafe mochas, lattes, cappuccinos and more! I wonder is this includes the $1 sweet teas?
Monday, February 02, 2009
Free Breakfast At Denny's
Sunday, February 01, 2009
CVS - 2/1 - Earned $41.45 ECBs Today!
Transaction #1
4 Hershey's Candies - $1.50 Each
4 Glade Oil Candle Refills - $2.50 Each (Buy $10.00, Get $5.00 ECBs)
2 Electrosol Tabs - $2.99 Each
2 Earinse - $7.99 Each (Get $7.99 ECBs Each)
1 Excedrin 10CT - $2.49 (Get $2.49 ECBs)
2 Stayfree Pads - $3.89 Each (Get $2.00 ECBs Each)
1 Intense 6 Hour Energy 2PK - $4.99 (Get $4.99 ECBs)
1 Mylanta - $5.99 (Get $3.00 ECBs)
Total = $59.21
2 Hershey's Candy - $2/2 Each
4 Glade Oil Candle Refills - $1.00 Each
1 Glade Oil Candle Refills - Buy 2 Get 1 Free - $2.50
2 Electrosol Tabs - $2.50 Each
1 Stayfree Pads - BOGO - $3.89
1 Mylanta - $3.00
1 CVS $5 Off A $30 Purchase
Used $21.00 ECBs
Payed $10.82 Out Of Pocket
$35.46 ECBs Earned
Transaction #2
8 Reese's Whips - $0.50 Each
4 Electrosol Tabs - $2.99 Each
1 CVS Chewable Asprin - $1.99 (Get $1.99 ECBs)
2 Stayfree Pads - $3.89 Each (Get $2.00 ECBs Each)
Total = $25.73
4 Reese Whips - $1.00/2 Each
4 Electrosol Tabs - $2.50 Each
1 Stayfree Pads - BOGO - $3.89
Used $7.48 ECBs
Payed $0.36 Out Of Pocket
$5.99 ECBs Earned
Friday, January 30, 2009
$10 off $10 purchase at QVC
This is a great deal from QVC. Get $10 off anything for $10 or more. Go to iMommies for more details on this deal. I got a 60 piece scrapbooking chipboard set for a little more than $3.00. Not too bad!
Free Beech-Nut Parent's Pack
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
$1 McDonalds Coupon Booklets

Many McDonald's around the country now have Valentine's coupon booklets available. Priced at $1 at most locations, each coupon booklet contains 12 coupons for free items:
3 free hamburgers
3 free small cones
3 free apple dippers or small fry
3 free apple juice or milk jug
These are redeemable at any participating McDonald's from February 14 to May 15, 2009. Please note that they are redeemable only by children ages 12 and under with a limit of one coupon per customer per visit.
Free Diet Dr. Prepper

The first 2 million people to sign up at from 1/26 to 3/31 will get a coupon by mail for either a FREE 20 oz bottle or a FREE 2 liter bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper (your choice). The coupon should arrive in 4-6 weeks.
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