I really messed up on my first transaction at CVS. I bought 4 Loreal HIP eyeliners thinking that they were $2.49 BOGO, because that was what the price tag had said directly above them... so I was thinking... wow, awesome deal! Anyway, I get to the register and my total after coupons seemed very high, but I went on to use almost all of my ECBs not really thinking about it again. When I finished my 2nd transaction and left CVS... I looked at my receipt and realized that I had picked up eyeliner that cost $8.49 BOGO! So I was mad at myself that I did not check the price or pay more attention to when the cashier was ringing them up. Now I have to go back to CVS and fix this. I'm not sure how they will do it, but I'm hoping I can get some of my ECBs back.

Transaction #1:
6 Tresemme - $3.33 Each (Buy 3 Tresemme Get $5.00 ECBs)
4 Loreal HIP Eyeliner - $8.49 BOGO
Total = $36.96
6 Tresemme - $1.00 Each
4 Loreal Hip - $2.00 Each
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $18.97 ECBs
Payed $0.01 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs

Transaction #2:
3 Aveeno Body Wash - $6.00 Each (Buy $25.00 Aveeno Get $10.00 ECBs)
1 Aveeno Facial Wash - $7.00
Total = $25.00
1 Aveeno - $2.00
1 Aveeno - $10.00/3
$4/$20 CVS Beauty Coupon
Used $8.87 ECBs
Payed $0.14 Out Of Pocket
$10.00 Earned ECBs
I went to CVS to redeem the Tresemme deal. I purchased 6 bottle to get the $10 extra bucks. The cashier said I could only use ONE of the $1/1 because they all had the same code number. It was still a good deal, because I got a couple of bottles with 25% more (40 oz instead of 32 oz).
The cashier thought I copied the coupons. What is the policy with CVS regarding these types of coupons?
The CVS I went to didn't ask any questions about the coupons. They of course wouldn't scan for him, so he entered each one in manually, but he never made any comments about them. I'm not sure what the policy would be for these type of coupons, but I usually never have any problems with internet coupons at CVS. The Tresemme coupon is available to everyone and you have the right to print as many as you want. The Tresemme website is even printed on the coupons, so it's obvious that they are not fakes. I guess it just depends on your cashier and how strict they are about takng coupons... if they have a problem with it, I'd ask for a manager or get ahold of corporate.
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