Sunday, August 03, 2008

CVS Scenarios For 8/3 - 8/9

I can't wait to go shopping this week at CVS. I'm hoping to be able to go tomorrow morning, since I don't have to work tomorrow! Here are my scenarios I came up with, and if all goes the way I have planned, I will walk out with tons of free make-up and shampoo. I'm super excited about the deals this week! YAY!

Transaction #1

2 Colgate Toothpaste - $2.99 Each - Earns $2.00 ECBs Each
8 Pert Plus - BOGO $3.69
2 Excedrin - 2/$5.00

Coupons Using -
2 Colgate $1.00 = $2.00
8 Pert Plus $2.00 = $16.00
2 Excedrin $2.00 = $4.00
CVS $3/$15 Purchase

Total After Coupons -
$0.74 OOP
$4.00 ECBs Earned

Transaction #2

5 Crest Toothpaste/Oral B Advantage Toothbrush - $2.49 Each - Earns $1.50 ECBs Each
6 Sure Deoderant - BOGO $2.79
1 Fusion Razor - $9.99 - Earns $3.00 ECBs

Coupons Using -
5 Crest Toothpaste/Oral B Advantage Toothbrush $1.00 = $5.00
3 BOGO Sure Deoderant = $16.74
1 Fusion Razor = $4.00
CVS $3/$15 Purchase
$9.99 ECBs

Total After Coupons -
$0.45 OOP
$10.50 ECBs Earned

Transaction #2

10 Covergirl Products - BOGO
1 Almay - $8.99 - Earns $5.00 ECBs
1 Maybelline - $3.99
1 Children's Advil Liquid or Drops - $5.79 - Earns $5.79 ECBs

Coupons Using -
5 Covergirl BOGO
1 Almay = $1.00
1 Maybelline = $1.00
1 Children's Advil = $1.00
CVS $3/$15 Purchase
$10.00 ECBs

Total After Coupons -
$2.77 OOP
$10.79 ECBs Earned

In the end after all transactions, I should use $19.99 in ECBs, and walk out with $25.29 in ECBs. And I should only pay $3.98 out of my pocket... not too bad at all!


SoCalCheapSkate said...

Great scenarios! Where are you getting the $3/15 coupon??

Jessica said...

Yes, I would love those $3/15 too!