Monday, August 04, 2008

CVS 8/4 $6.86 OOP

I took another trip to CVS today, and as you can see I got lots of goodies! I spent more than I wanted to though, cause the register lady didn't understand that my first transaction was one whole transaction, so she divided it up, and that screwed things up. She also screwed up my last transaction, and I had to spend $2.00 more than what I was supposed to. Anyway, in the end I spent a total of $6.86 and earned $25.29 in ECBs.

Transaction #1

2 - Pert Plus - $3.69 BOGO
2 - Excedrin - 2/$5.00

Total = $8.69

2 Pert Plus - $2.00 Each
2 Excedrin - $2.00 Each

Used $0.00 ECBs

Payed $0.69 Out Of Pocket

$0.00 ECBs Earned

Transaction #2

4 - Pert Plus - $3.69 Each BOGO
2 - Colgate Total Toothpaste - $2.99 Each

Total = $13.36

3 Pert Plus - $2.00 Each
1 $1.00 Coupon (This should have been another $2.00 Pert Plus coupon, but she only took $1.00 off)
2 Colgate Toothpaste - $1.00 Each
$3/$15 CVS

Used $0.00 ECBs

Payed $1.36 Out Of Pocket (Should have been $0.36)

$4.00 ECBs Earned

Transaction #3

2 - Crest Toothpaste - $2.49 Each
3 - Oral B Advantge Toothbrush - $2.49 Each
1 - Fusion Razor - $9.99
6 - Sure Deoderant - $2.69 Each BOGO
1 - Skittles - $0.79

Total = $31.30

2 Crest Toothpaste - $1.00 Each
3 Oral B Advantage Toothbrush - $1.00 Each
1 Fusion Razor - $4.00
3 Sure Deoderant - BOGO $2.99 Each (Not sure why she took off $2.99 for each instead of $2.69)
$3/$15 CVS

Used $9.99 ECBs

Payed $0.34 Out Of Pocket (I was -0.45 cents, so she had me add something to put it above the negative)

$10.50 ECBs Earned

Transaction #4

1 - Maybelline Mascara - $3.99
10 - Covergirl Make-up Products - $7.49-9.99 BOGO
1 - Children's Advil - $5.79
1 - Almay Eye Shadow - $8.99

Total = $62.72

1 Maybelline - $1.00
5 Covergirl Make-up - BOGO took off... $7.49, $7.99, $7.99, $8.99, and $9.49 ( She was supposed to take off one for $9.99 and not $7.99, so I ended up paying $2.00 more than what I was supposed to)
1 Children's Advil - $1.00
1 Almay - $1.00
$3/$15 CVS

Used $10.00 ECBs

Payed $4.77 Out Of Pocket (Should have been $2.77)

$10.79 ECBs Earned


Toni said...

Nice Job!!!! I'm heading to cvs right now :) Don't you hate it when the cashier messes up your mojo? You spend all this time getting the deals down to the penny and it gets screwed up within seconds. I always have to remind myself at the deals that I AM getting - so what's $2.00 more? LOL Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Great shopping! I did very well this week as well, but earned no ECBs.