Tuesday, June 17, 2008

CVS Week 6/15 - 6/21 Plan

Ok, so this is my CVS plans for this week. I plan to go on Friday, so I'm hoping it works out the way I have planned. Let me know if you see anything I should change or doesn't add up!

Transaction #1

2 Alavert at $6.99 each
Earn $5 ECBs

Total = $13.98 before taxes

Coupons using:
2/$4 Alavert printables
$4.00 in ECBs

New total = $1.98 before taxes OOP

Earned $5 ECBs

Transaction #2

3 Brut Deoderants at $3.19 each
Earn $3 ECBs each

Total = $9.57 before taxes

Coupons using:
1/$1 Brut Deoderant
2/$0.55 Brut Deoderant
$5.00 in ECBs

New total = $2.47 before taxes OOP

Earned $9 ECBs

Transaction #3

2 Oral B Cross Action Power Brush at $5.99 each
Earn $3 ECBs each

1 Brut Deoderant at $3.19 each
Earn $3 ECBs

CVS Cotton Swabs at $3.29 each
Earn $2 ECBs

Ttoal = $18.46 before taxes

Coupons using:
1/B1G1 Free Oral B Cross Action Power Brush coupon
1/$0.55 Brut Deoderant
1/$2 CVS Beauty coupon
$9.00 ECBs

New total = $0.92 before taxes OOP

Earned $11 ECBs

Other possbile items I may throw in there is the $0.99 Colgate Toothpaste Cavity Protection deal. I have 2/$1 coupons which would make them free. And the B1G1 free Evian water with 2/$1 CVS water coupons which would make them free as well.

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